Vista Wellbeing is delighted to be working again with One Northern Devon to co-ordinate the delivery of this community activity programme for people who are at risk of falls. This programme will offer sessions in Barnstaple, Ilfracombe and Westward Ho!
To view the programme timetable please CLICK HERE
This programme is fully funded by the NHS
About the 2025 Programme
Steady on your Feet is a community-based strength and balance programme, which is evidenced to prevent falls. The programme is aimed at those aged 55 and over who are deemed to be at heightened risk of falling, and is delivered over 24 weeks. After each session there will be light refreshments and time to chat with others in the group.
Sessions will be free of charge for participants, and assistance with transport is available for people who are unable to get themselves to the venues. Sessions will take place in Barnstaple, Ilfracombe and Westward Ho!
To view the programme timetable please CLICK HERE
You must be:
- Over 55
- At risk of falls or have a fear of falling.
- Able to follow instructions.
- Able to walk independently indoors and outdoors (with or without a walking aid and without help from another person).
- Able to get up from a dining room type chair (it is ok to find this difficult).
- Able to monitor your own level of effort/challenge and respond appropriately.
- Prepared to attend weekly for 24 weeks and complete prescribed home exercises between sessions. (we accept there may be the occasional holiday, illness and medical appointments).
You are NOT eligible to attend if any of the following apply
- More than 2 falls in the last 6 months, or an unexplained fall*, unless referred/assessed as safe to participate following a multifactorial falls assessment.
- Awaiting a physiotherapy assessment for falls or frailty management.
- Awaiting GP appointment or other health professional follow up of an uncontrolled condition
- Recent injurious fall without medical assessment.
- Contraindications to exercise.
*e.g. loss of consciousness, extreme dizziness, you don’t remember the fall. These all indicate the need for a clinical assessment.
Things we will discuss with you
There are also certain medical and health conditions which may mean that the programme isn’t suitable for you. However, we will talk to you to identify if any apply once we receive a completed referral form from you. Health professionals please click here to view the exclusion criteria.
How to Apply
The application process is simple. Health professionals can apply on behalf of their clients. Individuals can also apply direct. If you have any questions please call the Vista Wellbeing Team on 07900 041258
There is one form to complete to get the ball rolling.
If you prefer not to complete online forms you can download a print version below which can be returned to us by post.