In this session we covered:
Exploring Unit 5 – the History of Pilates and the associated worksheet Qs 1 – 4. Click here to download the Worksheet
CIMSPA and their role in the industry :
- Intro to the course and structure.
- Using the 34 card deck to get familiar with the repertoire
- Fundamentals and Principles
- The structure of a class – plus what is required for the exam lesson plan (group)
- Using the card deck to analyse planes of movement and joint actions
- Using the card deck to consider “favourite” exercises and “risky” exercises
- Finding neutral and intro to postural analysis
- Pilates stances and start positions
- Lateral breathing
- Planning ideas for Prep
- The new PARQ+ and the follow up (used for pregnancy) ePARmed-X+ can be found here:
- Visit Fitpro for information on student insurance (other brands are available):
- Did you know that we have a Sport England recognised governing body for Exercise Music and Dance. EMD have a simple guide to using music and staying legal:
- Consolidate your ideas for Prep – in conjunction with the planning guidance. Ideally plan a Prep which starts standing – covering the Fundamentals through postural set up. Transition to the mat to continue Prep or set up for Main
- Identify a client you could use for your 1:1