These links are to external You Tube videos and are for informational purposes only.
Vista Education is not responsible for this content and copyright in these videos is fully acknowledged.
All clips are available for public viewing on You Tube
The Spinning web site is a great resource. Remember that your course is a generic indoor cycling course and is not linked to any particular brand. You may not use brand names without permission.
This video is good for explaning and refreshing on riding techniques. It also shows Sprints on a Hill and explains the technical aspects of these (seated and standing)
The two videos below show how other riding styles have evolved. These are not part of your course and not styles which are recommended by Vista Education – but you might want to analyse the content and do a risk:benefit analysis.
This clip gives some different teaching ideas, although the instructor isn’t very accommodating for anyone who wants to slow down or take it easier! The instructor uses the term “gears” to suggest intensity/resistance.
This clip is good for showing relationship between heart rate and cadence/resistance. However there no mention of actual cadence or hand positions (although he does move to HP 3 for the standing climb).